1月20日(月)January 20th. Mon. 15:00~15:30
建設業(Construction industry)
We are a group company of The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. Our core business is the construction, maintenance, and engineering of thermal and nuclear power generation facilities, renewable energy facilities, various plant facilities, etc.
As society moves toward decarburization, the composition of energy is also beginning to face a period of major change. We consider this change as a major opportunity, and we are steadily stepping into new business areas by making good use of the technological capabilities we have cultivated in the energy field.
Development of technological capabilities that can support customers' decarburization. Digital transformation initiatives. An initiative to expand plant engineering technology cultivated in the power generation business to maintenance in other industries .
Together with our customers, we will carve out a future that looks ahead to 2030 and beyond.
This time, we are recruiting technicians. We have dispatched engineers to thermal power plants in Indonesia and conducted business with overseas customers, such as providing technical guidance for high-quality periodic inspections. In Japan, we are also increasing opportunities for people with diverse backgrounds, including non-Japanese, to play active roles. If you are confident in your communication skills in Japanese, why not take on the challenge of working as an engineer in the field of construction management within our business? We have a full range of systems that make it easy to work. Please apply with confidence.
We are a group company of The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. Our core business is the construction, maintenance, and engineering of thermal and nuclear power generation facilities, renewable energy facilities, various plant facilities, etc.
As society moves toward decarburization, the composition of energy is also beginning to face a period of major change. We consider this change as a major opportunity, and we are steadily stepping into new business areas by making good use of the technological capabilities we have cultivated in the energy field.
Development of technological capabilities that can support customers' decarburization. Digital transformation initiatives. An initiative to expand plant engineering technology cultivated in the power generation business to maintenance in other industries .
Together with our customers, we will carve out a future that looks ahead to 2030 and beyond.
This time, we are recruiting technicians. We have dispatched engineers to thermal power plants in Indonesia and conducted business with overseas customers, such as providing technical guidance for high-quality periodic inspections. In Japan, we are also increasing opportunities for people with diverse backgrounds, including non-Japanese, to play active roles. If you are confident in your communication skills in Japanese, why not take on the challenge of working as an engineer in the field of construction management within our business? We have a full range of systems that make it easy to work. Please apply with confidence.
- 企業名
Corporate Name -
(英名)Kanden Plant Corporation
- 本社所在地
Address -
大阪府大阪市北区本庄東2-9-18(2-9-18,Honjyohigashi,Kita-ku,Osaka-shi OSAKA)
- その他事業所(国内)
Other branches in Japan - 大阪府、兵庫県、京都府、東京都他
- その他事業所(海外)
Countries of Overseas Operations
- 事業概要
Business Overview - 電気工事、電気通信工事、機械器具設置工事、鋼構造物工事、熱絶縁工事、管工事、塗装工事、消防施設工事、防水工事、土木工事、とび・土工工事、解体工事および建築工事の設計、施工ならびに監理の請負。
Design, construction and management for the following electrical works, telecommunication equipment, machinery and instrumentation installation, steel
- 設⽴年
Year of establishment - 1953年 1953
- 代表者
Representative - 代表取締役社長 北村 仁一郎 President Niichiro Kitamura
- 従業員数
Number of Employees - 1,396名 1396
- 資本金
Capital stock - 3億円
- 売上
sales - 699億2,013万円(2024年3月決算)
- 企業ホームページ
Corporate website URL - https://www.kanden-plant.co.jp/
- 外国人材の採用実績(国名)
Foreign Recruitment Experience - Indonesia/インドネシア共和国 (4人)
- 主な関心国・地域
Countries and Regions of Interest for
Overseas Expansion - Indonesia/インドネシア共和国 Thailand/タイ王国 Philippines/フィリピン共和国 Malaysia/マレーシア
- 会社の制度や特徴について
Company Features -
- 募集職種カテゴリー
Job Categories - 技術職(Engineer)
- 募集職種名
Job Title - 技術系総合職 Technical field/engineer in charge of technical matters
- 勤務地
work location - 東京都(Tokyo) 京都府(Kyoto) 大阪府(Osaka) 兵庫県(Hyogo)
- 言語レベル(日本語)
Language Level(Japanese) - ビジネスレベル(Business Level)
- 言語レベル(その他外国語)
Language Level(Other Languages)
- 専攻学部
Major department - 理工系(science and technology)
- 応募条件(資格)
Requirements(Qualifications) -
2024年9月卒業、2025年3月卒業予定 理系大学院生、理系学部生(機械、電気、電子等)
Science graduate students and science undergraduate students(Mechanical,Electrcal, or Electricity Engineering,etc.)
new graduates Sep. 2024 and/or Mar. 2025
- 応募条件(経験)
Requirements(Experience) -
Not required.
- 仕事内容
Job Description - 技術系総合職
Technical field/engineer in charge of technical matters, such as
◆ Construction management work (construction planning, quality control, process control, etc.)
- 給与
salary - 大学卒 月給220,000円 大学院修士修了 月給225,000円
University graduate : salary 220,000 yen / month
Master's degree : salary 225,000 yen / month
※Overtime payment will be fully paid separately.
※Additional compensation may be provided based on work experience.
Probation period: three (3) months with no paid holiday
- 昇給・賞与
Salary increase・bonus - 昇給:年1回(4月) 賞与:年2回(6月、12月)
Salary increase: Once a year in every April Bonus: Twice a year in every June and December
- 諸手当
Other benefits - 扶養手当、時間外手当、深夜手当、通勤費全額支給
Dependent allowance, overtime allowance, late-night allowance, full payment of commuting expenses
- 福利厚生
Benefits and Welfare - 持株会制度、退職金、確定拠出年金、団体保険制度 等
Employee Stock Ownership System, Retirement Allowance, Defined Contribution Pension, Group Insurance System, etc.
- 勤務時間
Working Hours - 原則 平日 8:40~17:20(実働7時間40分)
5 days per week from 8:40 to 17:20
- 休憩時間
Break Time - 昼休憩 1時間/日
One hour lunch break
- 時間外勤務
Overtime (monthly average) - 21.3時間/月(2023年度実績) ※組合員平均
21.3 hours/month(FY2023) ※ Average of labor union members
- 年間休日数
Number of days off per year - 123日
123 days
- 所定休日
fixed holiday - 完全週休2日制(土曜日、日曜日)、国民の祝日、年末年始、セレクト休日
2 days off per week(Saturdays, Sundays), national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, select holiday
- 休暇
vacation system - 年次有給休暇(最大20日付与 ※入社初年度:12日、2年目:15日、3年目:18日、4年目以降:20日)、傷病積立休暇(最大40日)、特別休暇(夏期休暇3日、慶弔休暇、転勤休暇など)
Annual paid leave (maximum 20 days *first year: 12 days, second year: 15 days, third year: 18 days, fourth year and beyond: 20 days) Accumulated sick leave (maximum 40 days), special Leave (3 days summer vacation, congratulatory or condolence leave, relocation leave, etc.)
- 応募後の選考スケジュール
Selection schedule after application - 1.本日の合同企業説明会
3. マイナビ2025に登録(https://job.mynavi.jp/2025/)、エントリーシート提出、SPI検査(総合適性検査) 、1次面接(関電プラント本店にて対面予定)、2次面接(関電プラント本店にて対面予定) 2から3か月。
1. Today's joint company information session
2. Application from JETRO Online Job Fair 2024 Winter. (Entry)
3. Registration at Mynavi 2025(https://job.mynavi.jp/2025/), Submission of entry sheet,SPI test (comprehensive aptitude test), first interview (scheduled face-to-face at Kanden Plant head office), second interview (scheduled to be face-to-face at Kanden Plant head office) within 2 to 3 months.