1月23日(木)January 23th. Thu. 14:20~14:50
サービス業(Service industry)
At Anabuki Enterprise, we currently have 18 foreign employees from various countries actively contributing to our team. (As of November 1, 2024)Our work involves supporting customers at various facilities, such as hotels and inns, ensuring they have an enjoyable experience and leave with a smile.
The Setouchi region, where our facilities are located, boasts numerous world-class tourist attractions and is known for its beautiful natural environment.
We invite you to join us in promoting Setouchi and bringing smiles to our customers! We look forward to your participation.
At Anabuki Enterprise, we currently have 18 foreign employees from various countries actively contributing to our team. (As of November 1, 2024)Our work involves supporting customers at various facilities, such as hotels and inns, ensuring they have an enjoyable experience and leave with a smile.
The Setouchi region, where our facilities are located, boasts numerous world-class tourist attractions and is known for its beautiful natural environment.
We invite you to join us in promoting Setouchi and bringing smiles to our customers! We look forward to your participation.
- 企業名
Corporate Name -
(フリガナ)アナブキエンタープライズ カブシキガイシャ
(英名)Anabuki Enterprise Co., LTD
- 本社所在地
Address -
香川県高松市古新町9-1 リーガホテルゼスト高松4階(4th Floor, Rihga Hotel Zest Takamatsu, 9-1 Furujin-machi, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan)
- その他事業所(国内)
Other branches in Japan - 香川県 岡山県 徳島県
Kagawa Prefecture Okayama Prefecture Tokushima Prefecture
- その他事業所(海外)
Countries of Overseas Operations
- 事業概要
Business Overview - ホテルや公共施設(音楽ホール市民会館など)・サービスエリアなど、地域に密着した様々な施設の運営を行っています。施設でのサービスを通しお客様に非日常の空間で「安心」「満足」「感動」ご提供しています。
We manage a variety of facilities closely connected to the community, including hotels, public facilities such as music halls and civic centers, and service areas. Through the services provided at these facilities, we offer our customers a sense of "safety," "satisfaction," and "inspiration" in an extraordinary environment.
In response to inbound tourism, we develop new products that combine our accumulated facility management know-how with the region's latent cultural and tourism resources. By doing so, we aim to contribute to regional development and revitalization, playing a part in the overall regional revitalization efforts.
- 設⽴年
Year of establishment - 1987年 1987
- 代表者
Representative - 代表取締役社長 三村和馬 Representative Director and President Mimura Kazuma
- 従業員数
Number of Employees - 751名(男性301名、女性450名) ※2024年9月時点 751 employees (301 men, 450 women) ※As of September 2024
- 資本金
Capital stock - 4,000万円 ¥40 million
- 売上
sales - 67億円(2024/6月期決算) ¥6.7 billion (as of the June 2024 fiscal year)
- 企業ホームページ
Corporate website URL - https://www.anabuki-enter.jp/
- 外国人材の採用実績(国名)
Foreign Recruitment Experience - Nepal/ネパール連邦民主共和国 (5人)
South Korea/大韓民国 (3人)
Taiwan/台湾 (2人)
Vietnam/ベトナム社会主義共和国 (1人)
- 主な関心国・地域
Countries and Regions of Interest for
Overseas Expansion - Indonesia/インドネシア共和国 Thailand/タイ王国 Vietnam/ベトナム社会主義共和国 Taiwan/台湾
- 会社の制度や特徴について
Company Features -
- 募集職種カテゴリー
Job Categories - 営業(販売)職(Sales) 事務系職種(Administrator) その他(Other)
- 募集職種名
Job Title - サービス接客 Customer service jobs
- 勤務地
work location - 岡山県(Okayama) 徳島県(Tokushima) 香川県(Kagawa)
- 言語レベル(日本語)
Language Level(Japanese) - 日常会話レベル(Daily Conversation Level)
- 言語レベル(その他外国語)
Language Level(Other Languages) - 英語(English) 中国語(Chinese)
- 専攻学部
Major department - 理工系・文系(science and technology / liberal arts)
- 応募条件(資格)
Requirements(Qualifications) -
Not applicable
- 応募条件(経験)
Requirements(Experience) -
No experience is required, but having experience in customer service would be a plus.
- 仕事内容
Job Description - 穴吹エンタープライズ(株)が運営するホテルや旅館での勤務。主な仕事内容は、お客様のお迎え・ご案内するフロント、料理の配膳やテーブルの準備などを行うレストラン・宴会のホールスタッフなどです。(配属先により一部異なる)
岡山→・倉敷美観地区にある老舗高級料理旅館” 旅館くらしき”・倉敷駅から徒歩5分の好立地にある”ロイヤルパークホテル倉敷”。
Work at hotels and inns managed by Anabuki Enterprise (including positions as front desk staff, restaurant staff, and banquet staff)
(Heartfelt customer service is required in various situations. In addition to hotels, there are also positions available at public facilities where staff assist with renting out conference rooms and halls to customers, as well as positions at service areas where staff sell souvenirs and serve food.)
- "Takamatsu Kokusai Hotel," a traditional hotel founded in 1964.
- "Rihga Hotel Zest Takamatsu," located within walking distance of Takamatsu's downtown area.
- "Royal Park Hotel Takamatsu," featuring an exclusive lounge for guests.
- "Takamatsu Park Hotel," where avatars provide customer service.
- "Ryokan Kurashiki," a long-established luxury inn in the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter.
- "Royal Park Hotel Kurashiki," conveniently located just a 5-minute walk from Kurashiki Station.
- "Hotel Iya Onsen," known for its charming outdoor hot springs accessible by cable car.
- 給与
salary - ■大学卒:月給180,000円~
■ University Graduate: Monthly salary of ¥180,000~
Overtime pay is provided separately.
Qualification allowances are available for those who hold certifications such as the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) or TOEIC.
- 昇給・賞与
Salary increase・bonus - ■昇給:年1回 ■賞与:年2回(昨年実績約2.5ヵ月分)※支給額は会社の業績や本人の評価による
■ Salary Increase: Once a year
■ Bonus: Twice a year (approximately 2.5 months' worth last year) *The amount is based on the company's performance and the individual's evaluation.
- 諸手当
Other benefits - 時間外手当、深夜手当、通勤手当、特技・資格手当、食事手当、家族手当
Overtime allowance, late-night allowance, commuting allowance, special skills and qualifications allowance, meal allowance, family allowance
- 福利厚生
Benefits and Welfare - 各種社会保険(健康、厚生年金、雇用、労災)/社員寮/社内割引制度/持株会/確定拠出年金/退職金制度(勤務3年以上)/有給休暇(3ヶ月後10日付与)/制服貸与等
Various social insurances (health, welfare pension, employment, workers' compensation) / Employee dormitory / Employee discount system / Stock ownership plan / Defined contribution pension plan / Retirement benefit system (for employees with more than 3 years of service) / Paid leave (10 days granted after 3 months) / Uniform provided, etc.
- 勤務時間
Working Hours - シフトにより決定(例 6:00~15:00/10:00~19:00/13:00~22:00/
Determined by shift (Examples: 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM / 1:00 PM - 10:00 PM / Night shift 8:00 PM - 11:00 AM [with a break for sleep])
- 休憩時間
Break Time - 60分、ナイト勤務の場合は仮眠+2時間~
60 minutes; for night shifts, includes a nap + 2 hours or more.
- 時間外勤務
Overtime (monthly average) - 10時間以下
Less than 10 hours
- 年間休日数
Number of days off per year - 年間108日
108 days for a year
- 所定休日
fixed holiday - 月9日
9 days for a month
- 休暇
vacation system - 有給休暇、特別休暇、リフレッシュ休暇
Paid leave, special leave, refresh leave
- 応募後の選考スケジュール
Selection schedule after application - ①ジェトロオンライン合同企業説明会専用フォームからの応募
②履歴書の提出 ③適性検査
1. Apply through the dedicated JETRO Online Joint Company Information Session form
* Document screening will be conducted based on the application information. Only those who pass will be informed of the selection process.
2. Submit your resume
3. Take the aptitude test
4. First interview (online)
5. Final interview
6. Receive a job offer
*It takes about 1 month from application to notification of the result.