1月21日(火)January 21th. Tue. 15:00~15:30
建設業(Construction industry)
We have some foreing engineers in our company. And we have our supporting system for our staffs from foreing contries.
We are looking for people challenging of "Building Good Bridges" with us. Building the Bridge is the work with a sense of accomplishment and fulfillmentfrom highly public in nature and able to contribute to regional and national development.
We have some foreing engineers in our company. And we have our supporting system for our staffs from foreing contries.
We are looking for people challenging of "Building Good Bridges" with us. Building the Bridge is the work with a sense of accomplishment and fulfillmentfrom highly public in nature and able to contribute to regional and national development.
- 企業名
Corporate Name -
(英名)Yada Industry Co., Ltd.
- 本社所在地
Address -
福島県郡山市西田町鬼生田字阿広木1(1 Akougi, Oniuda, Nishida-cho, Koriyama-city, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan)
- その他事業所(国内)
Other branches in Japan - 東京 大阪 仙台 名古屋 広島 福岡 新潟 山梨 静岡 徳島
Tokyo Osaka Sendai Nagoya Hiroshima Fukuoka Niigata Yamanashi Shizuoka Tokushima
- その他事業所(海外)
Countries of Overseas Operations - Vietnam/ベトナム社会主義共和国
- 事業概要
Business Overview - 橋梁・水門・水管橋・鉄塔・鉄骨等 鋼構造物の調査・設計・製作・施工その他付帯工事、維持補修
Design, Fabrication, Construction & Erection of Steel Structures and accessories, Maintenance of Steel Structures including Bridge, Water gate, Water Line Bridge, Tower, Steel Frame, etc.
- 設⽴年
Year of establishment - 1949 1949
- 代表者
Representative - 成田 正樹 NARITA Masaki
- 従業員数
Number of Employees - 141 141
- 資本金
Capital stock - 80,720,000 円 80 millions JPY
- 売上
sales - 約74億円 approx 7.4 billion JPY
- 企業ホームページ
Corporate website URL - https://www.yada-k.co.jp/
- 外国人材の採用実績(国名)
Foreign Recruitment Experience - Vietnam/ベトナム社会主義共和国 (5人)
Bhutan/ブータン王国 (1人)
China/中華人民共和国 (1人)
- 主な関心国・地域
Countries and Regions of Interest for
Overseas Expansion - Vietnam/ベトナム社会主義共和国
- 会社の制度や特徴について
Company Features -
- 募集職種カテゴリー
Job Categories - 技術職(Engineer)
- 募集職種名
Job Title - 設計エンジニア、製作エンジニア、施工エンジニア Design Engineer, Steel Fabrication Engineer, Cconstruction Engineer
- 勤務地
work location - 福島県(Fukushima)
- 言語レベル(日本語)
Language Level(Japanese) - 日常会話レベル(Daily Conversation Level)
- 言語レベル(その他外国語)
Language Level(Other Languages) - 英語(English) ベトナム語(Vietnamese)
- 専攻学部
Major department - 理工系(science and technology)
- 応募条件(資格)
Requirements(Qualifications) -
Obtained credits Structural Engineering, Bridge Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering
- 応募条件(経験)
Requirements(Experience) -
2022年3月~2025年8月 大卒以上
Bachelor's degree, Master's degree: Graduate from March 2022 to Auguat 2025.
- 仕事内容
Job Description - 鋼構造物の設計および照査、鋼構造物の生産管理業務、鋼構造物の建設:架設・据え付け業務
Design and design check of steel structures. Fabrication Management of steel structures in the factory, Construction and erection of steel structures at the construction site.
- 給与
salary - 大学卒 : 222,000円/月
大学院修了: 237,000円/月
Bachelar's degree: 222,000 JPY
Master's degree: 237,000 JPY
- 昇給・賞与
Salary increase・bonus - 入社初年1回、二年目以降年2回
1 time at the first year, 2 times per year from the second yers
- 諸手当
Other benefits - 残業手当、資格手当、役職手当、評価手当、能力手当、通勤手当、家族手当、住宅手当など
Overtime, License, Position, Evaluation, Ability, Commuter, Family, Housing support Allowance, etc.
- 福利厚生
Benefits and Welfare - 社員寮、海外研修、国内研修、社員旅行等
Domitory, Overseas and Domestic Trainings, Company Travel, etc.
- 勤務時間
Working Hours - 午前8時~午後5時
from 8:00 to 17:00
- 休憩時間
Break Time - 昼休み12時~午後1時
Lunch Break: from 12:00 to 13:00
- 時間外勤務
Overtime (monthly average) - 20時間程度
approx. 20 hours/month
- 年間休日数
Number of days off per year - 120
- 所定休日
fixed holiday - 土曜・日曜および祝日、年末年始、夏期休暇
Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday, New Year, Summar Holiday
- 休暇
vacation system - 年次有給休暇、忌引き休暇、結婚休暇等
Annual Leave, Bereavement Leave, Marriage Leave, etc.
- 応募後の選考スケジュール
Selection schedule after application - ジェトロオンライン合同企業説明会専用フォームからの応募⇒
①Reply Results about 1month after application from Jetro, ②Request submission of Carricuram Vitae and Transcript. ③ Document screening, ④ Interview: 2 or 3 times, ⑤Information Result.
It would be taken about 3 months after step ②.