1月21日(火)January 21th. Tue. 16:20~16:50
Our factory is one of the largest octopus processing facilities in Japan. We are the only company in the world to have received the Monde Selection Grand Gold Award multiple times for our octopus products, a testament to our confidence in producing delicious and high-quality products.
We are also actively engaged in importing products from overseas and exporting to international markets. If hired, you will primarily be responsible for overseas-related tasks within the Overseas Business Division. Additionally, you will be expected to participate in on-site production activities as part of your role.
For candidates with sufficient Japanese language skills, we may also assign domestic sales or sales support tasks. As a small to medium-sized enterprise, we value flexibility, and all staff are expected to contribute beyond their assigned roles, including administrative and on-site tasks. We are looking for individuals eager to take on new challenges.
Our company is multinational, with foreign technical interns and employees from diverse backgrounds. If this opportunity interests you, we encourage you to apply!
Our factory is one of the largest octopus processing facilities in Japan. We are the only company in the world to have received the Monde Selection Grand Gold Award multiple times for our octopus products, a testament to our confidence in producing delicious and high-quality products.
We are also actively engaged in importing products from overseas and exporting to international markets. If hired, you will primarily be responsible for overseas-related tasks within the Overseas Business Division. Additionally, you will be expected to participate in on-site production activities as part of your role.
For candidates with sufficient Japanese language skills, we may also assign domestic sales or sales support tasks. As a small to medium-sized enterprise, we value flexibility, and all staff are expected to contribute beyond their assigned roles, including administrative and on-site tasks. We are looking for individuals eager to take on new challenges.
Our company is multinational, with foreign technical interns and employees from diverse backgrounds. If this opportunity interests you, we encourage you to apply!
- 企業名
Corporate Name -
(英名)China-Japan Corporation
- 本社所在地
Address -
〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂3丁目2番7号 ベリルキューブ6F(BERYL CUBE 6th FLOOR, 3-2-7 AKASAKA, MINATO-KU, TOKYO 1070052 JAPAN)
- その他事業所(国内)
Other branches in Japan - 日中商会株式会社 ひたちなか工場
China-Japan Corporation Hitachinaka plant
- その他事業所(海外)
Countries of Overseas Operations
- 事業概要
Business Overview - タコ専門の生産加工・販売業者です。茨城県ひたちなか市に日本最大級のタコの加工工場を有しており、自社工場でタコの生産をおこなっております。
We are a specialized producer and seller of octopus products. Located in Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, we operate one of Japan's largest octopus processing factories, where we produce octopus in our own facility.
Our boiled octopus, sourced from Mauritania, has been awarded the Monde Selection Grand Gold Award.
- 設⽴年
Year of establishment - 2008年
- 代表者
Representative - 吉居 憲治 Kenji Yoshi
- 従業員数
Number of Employees - 27人
- 資本金
Capital stock - 1200万円 12,000,000 yen
- 売上
- 企業ホームページ
Corporate website URL - https://china-japan.jp/english/index.html
- 外国人材の採用実績(国名)
Foreign Recruitment Experience
- 主な関心国・地域
Countries and Regions of Interest for
Overseas Expansion - Vietnam/ベトナム社会主義共和国 Myanmar/ミャンマー連邦共和国
- 会社の制度や特徴について
Company Features -
- 募集職種カテゴリー
Job Categories - 営業(販売)職(Sales) 事務系職種(Administrator)
- 募集職種名
Job Title - 海外事業部(事務・営業・現場製造) Overseas Business Division
- 勤務地
work location - 茨城県(Ibaraki)
- 言語レベル(日本語)
Language Level(Japanese) - ビジネスレベル(Business Level)
- 言語レベル(その他外国語)
Language Level(Other Languages) - 英語(English) 中国語(Chinese)
- 専攻学部
Major department - 文系(liberal arts)
- 応募条件(資格)
Requirements(Qualifications) -
日本語検定N2または N1
Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 or N2
- 応募条件(経験)
- 仕事内容
Job Description - 海外事業部として、
As part of the Overseas Business Division:
- Handling export and import operations
- Engaging in overseas sales (or supporting sales activities)
In addition to the above, also taking on tasks in the production field, such as processing work and on-site shipping operations.
- 給与
salary - 月給20万円(みなし残業20時間分含む)
残業手当 20時間超過分全額支給
Around 200,000 yen.
- 昇給・賞与
Salary increase・bonus - 昇給・賞与あり(業績による)
Salary increases and bonuses available (Depends on company performance)
- 諸手当
Other benefits - キロ数換算でガソリン代支給
- 福利厚生
Benefits and Welfare - 資格取得費補助、たこ社販
- 勤務時間
Working Hours - 8時間
- 休憩時間
Break Time - 1時間
- 時間外勤務
Overtime (monthly average) - 20時間
- 年間休日数
Number of days off per year - 124日
- 所定休日
fixed holiday - 週休2日制
A two-day weekend system.
- 休暇
vacation system - 現場中心の場合水、日/事務の場合シフト制
Wednesday, Sunday
- 応募後の選考スケジュール
Selection schedule after application - 書類選考⇒オンライン面接⇒対面面接⇒採用
Document screening ⇒Online Interview⇒Face to face interview⇒Recruitment