1月23日(木)January 23th. Thu. 15:00~15:30
サービス業(Service industry)
We are a marketing company that specializes in giving shape to our clients' ideas and turning them into revenue. We also have operations in Africa and are working to solve social problems through long-term business. This time, as we expand our new business in Ghana, Africa, we are looking for people with a global perspective. We are hiring for two roles.
Marketing manager
We are looking for dynamic marketing managers to expand our business in Southeast Asia and Africa. The official language of Ghana is English, so it is essential to be able to speak English at a daily conversational level, at least. Japanese language proficiency is not required, but those who can speak it are more than welcome.
Systems engineer
We are developing an AI-based marketing system. We are looking for engineers with programming experience in system construction and development. Python knowledge is preferred. We would like to ask new hires to develop systems for the domestic market first, so N3 level Japanese language ability is ideal, at least.As we encourage teleworking, employees are free to choose where they live. In the future, we might consider entrusting outstanding personnel to head branch offices when a branch is established in his/her home country-or to be in charge of a Japanese corporation.
We are a marketing company that specializes in giving shape to our clients' ideas and turning them into revenue. We also have operations in Africa and are working to solve social problems through long-term business. This time, as we expand our new business in Ghana, Africa, we are looking for people with a global perspective. We are hiring for two roles.
Marketing manager
We are looking for dynamic marketing managers to expand our business in Southeast Asia and Africa. The official language of Ghana is English, so it is essential to be able to speak English at a daily conversational level, at least. Japanese language proficiency is not required, but those who can speak it are more than welcome.
Systems engineer
We are developing an AI-based marketing system. We are looking for engineers with programming experience in system construction and development. Python knowledge is preferred. We would like to ask new hires to develop systems for the domestic market first, so N3 level Japanese language ability is ideal, at least.As we encourage teleworking, employees are free to choose where they live. In the future, we might consider entrusting outstanding personnel to head branch offices when a branch is established in his/her home country-or to be in charge of a Japanese corporation.
- 企業名
Corporate Name -
(フリガナ)カブシキガイシャ オクウィ
(英名)Okwi Inc.
- 本社所在地
Address -
茨城県水戸市見川2-80-4 2F(2F,2-80-4 Migawa,Mito-shi, Ibaraki-ken 310-0912,Japan)
- その他事業所(国内)
Other branches in Japan
- その他事業所(海外)
Countries of Overseas Operations
- 事業概要
Business Overview - マーケティング
- 設⽴年
Year of establishment - 2022
- 代表者
Representative - 丹藤弘明 Hiroaki Tando
- 従業員数
Number of Employees - 3 three
- 資本金
Capital stock - 1000000
- 売上
- 企業ホームページ
Corporate website URL - https://okwi.jp/
- 外国人材の採用実績(国名)
Foreign Recruitment Experience - Japan/日本 (1人)
Japan/日本 (1人)
Japan/日本 (1人)
- 主な関心国・地域
Countries and Regions of Interest for
Overseas Expansion - Indonesia/インドネシア共和国 Taiwan/台湾 Middle East/中東 Africa/アフリカ
- 会社の制度や特徴について
Company Features -
- 募集職種カテゴリー
Job Categories - 営業(販売)職(Sales)
- 募集職種名
Job Title - 営業職
- 勤務地
work location - 茨城県(Ibaraki)
- 言語レベル(日本語)
Language Level(Japanese) - 日常会話レベル(Daily Conversation Level)
- 言語レベル(その他外国語)
Language Level(Other Languages) - 英語(English)
- 専攻学部
Major department - 理工系・文系(science and technology / liberal arts)
- 応募条件(資格)
Requirements(Qualifications) - 日本語N3 TOEIC800以上
- 応募条件(経験)
Requirements(Experience) - なし
- 仕事内容
Job Description - マーケティング担当
- 給与
salary - 【月給】250,000円~(30時間の見込み残業代/44,400円を含む)
- 昇給・賞与
Salary increase・bonus - 昇給年1回、賞与年2回(業績による)
- 諸手当
Other benefits - 通勤手当、携帯手当、役職手当、インセンティブ手当
- 福利厚生
Benefits and Welfare - 健康保険、介護保険、厚生年金保険、雇用保険、労災保険、フレックス
- 勤務時間
Working Hours - 9:00~18:00
- 休憩時間
Break Time - 1時間
- 時間外勤務
Overtime (monthly average) - 20時間
- 年間休日数
Number of days off per year - 125日
- 所定休日
fixed holiday - 完全週休2日制(土日祝)
- 休暇
vacation system - 年末年始、夏季休暇
- 応募後の選考スケジュール
Selection schedule after application - ①ジェトロオンライン合同企業説明会専用フォームからの応募 → ②書類選考→③オンライン面接 →④最終面接(会社面談orオンライン面談) →⑤ 内定